Insight Counseling Services, Inc.
All successful completers of our program are given Client Satisfaction Surveys to rate the SOAR Program on how well the counseling helped the client and their family, how satisfied they were with the program and how they would rate the program overall. One hundred percent of our surveys have been positive with excellent or above average scores. Clients are also asked to describe what they liked the most or felt was most helpful during counseling.
Here are a few of the client/parent testimonials:
"It is not just what helped him during counseling, but everything that he learned, that will help him through life. I believe he will be a better man and one day a good husband from everything he learned."
"He learned how to get boundaries in all of his relationships. Dr. Lisa's approach to creating emotional safety for my son was key."
"I could see a continuous improvement in his behavior, especially in dealing with his anger and his ability to solve problems on his own and talking about them to me."
" My children learned how to heal and overcome from their offenses and make better choices and also myself as a parent."
"My son is more respectful, cautious of his actions, more understanding and we communicate better."
"This program helped him mature and understand what he did was his fault and he took responsibility for his actions and felt remorseful. He learned empathy and that was really hard to teach him. I am so happy this program was available to him."
"I have seen an amazing change in how he understands the concept of empathy and how he now shows empathy to others. The program taught him to be a leader. I am so grateful for this program and the people that run it."
“The SOAR program has been instrumental in his growth, healing, rehabilitation and ability to move forward."
"What this program does for mothers like myself and our kids, I can't put into words. What a blessing it is for our community. The counselors pour themselves into it and give the kids and their families another chance. A chance to grow and turn the worst parts of their life into something that can be used to create love and beautiful people. My son is still a teenager but I watch him communicate with peers with a grown up sense of kindness and sensitivity to other people's feelings. He is kind and understanding of others and we now have a wonderful relationship, two years ago I would not have imagined that."